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Radical Health and Radical Recovery

A Beta Program designed by Sheila Nixon, CHP

Are you ready to turn your health around?
You may have tried convention therapies without much or any success.  
You may have researched some alternatives.  But there are so many,  it’s confusing.
Don’t know where to start?  

Sheila, through her own (successful) health journey has spent over two decades researching, testing, integrating or eliminating hundreds of therapies and practices. Distilled from that experience, the result is a program for recovering and sustaining our birthright – robust health, vitality and mobility. It is do-able, time-efficient and results-oriented.

Residing in Santa Fe, NM, and having a driving passion for achieving and sharing the path to uberhealth, she founded a wellness center in 2016, DancingBones. This experience was an eye-opener as to the profound need in our populace for informed, common-sense re-learning of vital health practices. 
A good century of misguided, misinformed, but influential, voices has taken us so far off track about health and health practices that we now are the sickest that humanity has ever been!
The need to unwind and unlearn the BS is urgent.

Even after she sold DancingBones in 2023, certain questions continued to haunt her:
•What can I do to help others avoid the pain and debility I experienced?
•What practices in my testing and searching have emerged as broadly effective?
•How can this knowledge be delivered to those who want and need it?

This Program is her answer to those questions.

The Radical Health and Radical Recovery Program

There are four main components or pillars to the program.  
The four pillars, with a broad brush

A number of agents emerged from my 2-decade search as my “favorites”.  I will call them “agents” as a blanket word for behaviors, protocols, supplements, technologies, routines.

My goal always, is to simplify my programs, to distill what I have found to be the critical, non-negotiables for this upward journey.

Pillars 1 & 2 – the old D&E – diet and exercise.  There’s no way around it, D & E are non-negotiables in any health program.
The question of course is – what diet?  and what kind of exercise?  


If you are averse to eating meat and saturated fat, this is not the program for you.  
For millennia, our biology was formed by eating and thriving on mostly meat.  Genetics does not change quickly.  It is fallacy to think we can adapt our bodies to a new and politically correct way of eating in a matter of years.

I have no interest in arguing the pros and cons of eating vegan or eating carnivore.  That can be doe elsewhere. In my seventh decade and having tried every diet and food trend, I have no remaining doubt that a carnivore, or at least ketogenetic, diet is optimal for human biology.

Exercise – What kind?

There are as many camps in the exercise field as there are in the nutrition realm.
I’m lazy.  In spite of coming from a predominantly dance and stage career – spending countless hours in dance studios, I’m lazy.
I want to get results in the fastest most efficient (and injury-free) method.
So in choosing “best practices” in exercise, I’ve drilled down to a few kinds of exercise that deliver great results when done consistently.  
My program consists of – proper stretching, HIIT, strength training, static intensity training.

These types of exercise can be adapted to whatever your level.  Even if you are currently sedentary.

If you are an elite athlete, however, I may have little to add to your training.

Rejuvenating the cells – Pillar 3

At a fundamental level, we are a collection of cells.  As diverse as they may be, cells look and act in perfect alignment with their form and function.  Eyeball cells perform perfect sight.  Muscle cells perform perfect movement.  Epithelial cells specific to gut lining, perform flawless digestion.  You get the point.  

When traumas or toxic exposures occur, the cells are impacted.  If those cells cannot or do not repair, dysregulation and compromised function, AKA disease, is the result.

Since 2009, it is possible to repair or replace these damaged cells – easily!  There is nothing as foundational as cellular health!  Repair or replace cells, just as our bodies naturally do in youth, and we experience rejuvenative effects.

There are new therapies that can augment cellular health now.  Stem cell therapy is one brilliant new field.  Unfortunately it can be pricey and often, for the most advanced treatments, one needs to travel out of country.

There are supplements that purport cellular health.  Some (as with everything) are better than others.   The one I use and require in the program is the leader in the field and without peer.

Pillar 4 Meditation.

Yup, I’ve tried to avoid it.  It’s a challenge for me to “sit still”do nothing”.   But…. 
I firmly believe that a spiritual practice (call it what you will) is a vital and non-negotiable agent in regaining and sustaining function and good health.
If you have a practice that you can honestly say you are consistent with, that is your private business and I honor it. My single requirement is consistency of practice.  
Prayer, contemplation, meditation, quiet walks in nature, communing deeply and in stillness with animals – there are many practices that remind us of who we really are at Source level.   
As we all know, many have healed using this 4th pillar alone.  

If you are open to a simple non-religious daily practice, I am happy to share a powerful practice and add it to your protocol.

That’s it!  

So who is this for?
Those willing to: 
                  forego conventional thinking, 
                  unlearn outdated nutritional guidance, 
                  unlearn outdated fitness routines
                  forego hand-holding, yet be open to coaching & guidance
                  forego the couch

Who is this NOT for?
                  Avowed vegans
                  Those Not ready to think out of the box
                  Those Not ready to take charge of their own health and follow a program consistently

As this is a beta program, I expect it to evolve.
Currently my coaching clients on the program are at a distance.
But if you join the program locally in Santa Fe, here is what to expect:

•One private intake meeting with Sheila (30-60 minutes). “What do you want to achieve?”
•Bi-weekly report.  Email details to Sheila or set up a phone meeting.
•And – I strongly believe “accountability partnerships” are a helpful development..

This is my beta program, so for a time there is no fee to me.  The minimum commitment is 3 months.
There is one required supplement, mentioned earlier (165/mo min) and several suggested individual options.
Materials, supplements, work-out duds, yoga mat, and whatever you may need to accomplish your daily program are your personal expenditures.
I do my best to make the program workable without “fancy” expensive equipment. For instance, I workout at home using whatever is around me and I can teach you to as well.
Meetings are no cost.
TBA – Fitness class once a week or alternate weeks is by donation only, to cover cost of space.  (Outsiders are invited @ $35).
There are additional supporting therapies, concepts, supplements, programs, practices.   They are optional.
I do not suggest anything I do not firmly believe is efficacious, safe and has integrity.

I expect you will make good progress.
Success is built into the program. With consistency and commitment come results.